Diamond Article: Counting the hands
When we talk about “counting a hand” at bridge, we mean keeping track of the shape and the high cards or the HCP values in a hidden hand...
Spade Article - Counting Losers Part 2
Counting Losers – Part 2 The concept of setting up one hand When it comes to counting losers, the single most confusing aspect is the...
Diamond Article - Part one of Assessing Distributional Hands
Hands fit into categories: I’ve a minimum for what I’ve bid, I’ve an intermediate hand, I’ve enough for game, I’m interested in slam, or...
Diamond Article - Balanced = Bad
Balanced is Bad As we learn bridge, it is tempting to associate balance with strength. After all, when we open 1NT, we are showing a...
Spade Article - Counting Losers Part 1
When you are playing in notrump, you count winners. When you are playing in a trump contract (a contract where there is a trump suit),...
Diamond Article: How do we know when to force declarer to trump?
Let’s start the conversation with the easy answer and then work our way through the more difficult one. As a general rule, forcing...
Spade Article - The beauty and potential of a mistake
Oops! I called the ace from dummy, but now I have to play my queen. Bridge is often overwhelming for the beginning student. There is so...
Diamond Article - Hold up that king?
Ducking a trick with a K Ducking with a king is in many ways a similar decision to ducking with an ace, with one very important...
Spade Article - Counting Winners Part 3
The final part of counting winners revolves around understanding the power of length. No matter what the contract is, our long suits...
Diamond Article - Hold up? Take that ace!
The process of learning bridge typically begins with learning a particular technique and incorporating it into your toolbox. Once you’ve...